5:33 PM |
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
So Glad to heard that I have been selected for "Google summer of code 2013" as a Student this year again, yeap for the second time! :-) This year it was very amazing and much more competitive than last year. To mention a lil wow fact: I have been selected for *two* open source organizations this time!! In-fact those are two great organizations:"Raxa" and "OpenMRS" both are related to Healthcare informatics. (Sometimes we need to take some crucial decisions in our life.) So finally I chose OpenMRS as my organization, because of my love towards this awesome open source community which I have been with over year now,
And ripen, I love this concept by now, "Write codes, Save lives!" I dont think we (as coders) can do much better work than this to serve the global healthcare informatics force. Saving human lives is a priority among all other alms-giving stuff.
Lastly I wanna thank Lord Budhdha who were always blessed me to get through this big achievement! නමෝ බුද්ධාය.
Congratz everyone! Looking forward for a great summer with OpenMRS!
If you are interested, My Project details can be found here:
I will be developing a "User-driven healthcare" system by integrating OpenMRS-core as the base.
Few Links:
OpenMRS GSoC 2013 students list:
GSoC 2013 Accept students at Google Melange web: