Waiting for changelog lock....
Waiting for changelog lock....
Waiting for changelog lock....
Waiting for changelog lock....
ERROR - Listener.contextInitialized(124) |2009-05-26 12:07:49,197| Got exception while starting up: 
javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: error getting unrun updates on the database
 at org.openmrs.web.Listener.setupNeeded(Listener.java:144)


You must have attempted an upgrade at some point and it failed in the middle. The liquibase changelog lock is not getting released in these cases. You can manually clear the lock by emptying the liquibasechangeloglock table:

By firing the following command in mysql

delete from liquibasechangeloglock;

(Make sure to not delete the liquibasechangelog table contents, those are important!)

REF : http://openmrs-mailing-list-archives.1560443.n2.nabble.com/Waiting-for-changelog-lock-td5166981.html
