Hi All,

Its the 4th week of GSoC, well just passed a big month of period after the GSoC coding start date! This week was a great week, So many improvements and development happened.

1. Created a Xform (customized for the patient narratives' collection) Of course I have created required concepts to map the observations used at Form.

I wanna Thank bunch for Daniel Kayiwa for the great help and guidance given for me from the very beginning of Xform integration till the end of Xforms creation process.

Final look after the Xform integration

2. The care provider console improvements.

3. HTML form entry integration -- I wanna thank Mark Goodrich for the valuable guidance given for me to get done things related to HTML forms integration in my custom module UI.

After getting things done, I have created a small guide including my learning’s related to this case: How to Embed HTML Form (generated by HTML Form Entry module) in a custom module

Look after the HTML form integration.